Wednesday, July 24, 2013

10 Months Old & Enjoying Summer

After our last post, I've been traveling, enjoying summer & cutting a lot more teeth.  Let's travel back a couple weeks to after Campbell & Emily's wedding weekend.  Mom & Aunt Shana came up to Philly for the Rock N Roar concert at the Philadelphia Zoo.  We had such a great day -- we watched the concert, saw some animals, I rode on my first horse with Mommy & Grandma got me some pretty awesome animal presents at the zoo.  I was really glad that I got to spend some time with Aunt Shana because she was leaving for her cross country adventure at the end of the week.  Here are some photos from our fun day:
                               Snacking on a pretzel                                              Grandma Time
                                                       Dancing with my Aunt Sha

                                                  Gotta love a babywearing aunt!

          I LOVE petting zoos!! Hoping to convince Daddy to let me have one at my 1st birthday!!

                                                          First time on a horse
                                                         We had so much fun!!

                                                        Enjoying some of my new prizes
Later that week we went to Hayden's house for a pool date.  There were lots of moms & babies there this time around.  I met twin boys that were over a year old & played with some of my old pals.  Check out some of the photos of Hayden, Addison & I:  

We've been getting a little more adventurous with mealtime.  I tried mango, almond flour waffles & shrimp!  Loved them both!  

 I've also been really helpful around the house lately.  Check me out taking the clothes out of Mom's drawer, while she folds laundry and puts it away.  I also helped Mom while she was cleaning the bathroom.
We went to visit Ashley & Geoff in Washington, DC.  What a fun day we all had.  We strolled through the market on our way to get brunch at Ted's.  We had to wait a little while until we could get a table, so we stopped to see the Marine Barracks & I met some very brave Marines.  

 At Ted's, Mom & Dad let me eat a homemade blueberry Pop Tart.  When it came out it was covered in sprinkles & I ate the entire thing (well what I didn't get all over the sidewalk, stroller, my clothes, etc...

 After brunch we took a stroll through Capital Hill.  Ashley and Geoff taught me all about the historical monuments & buildings.  Dad took me for a ride on a carousel & to beat the heat we decided to go see the dinosaur and gemstone exhibit at the Natural History Museum.

When we got back to Ashley's house, I was trying to play with Destroyer.  I only wanted to be his friend, but he was really afraid of me.  He wouldn't come into the living room & stared at me while I crawled around the room and played with his toys.  

 Before we headed home, we stopped at Phillip's Seafood for some crab and corn. It was my first time eating crab.  It was pretty good, but I preferred the really tasty corn.  I played with the mallet & made some really nice music.  Before we left we had to wait out a real quick thunderstorm.  We definitely need to visit DC more often - I had a blast and we barely scratched the tourist surface.

The next morning we met Grandma Mimi, Grandpa Howard, Uncle Jon, Ann Marie, Mario and Tana Asin (my grandparents friends that recently moved back from Panama) and Grandma Mimi's friend Sarah at the Merion Cricket Club for brunch.  The Asin's brought me a really awesome present - zoo animal bookends.  How did they know that I LOVE zoo animals?!?!  When we got home Mom and Dad let me pick the theme for my 1st birthday party. We put 4 themes in a bowl (zoo, carnival, farm & cowboy).  Guess what I picked - ZOO!! Can't wait to start planning all the details with Mom.  

 Check out my cool new tiger head!  Grandma Mimi sent us home with it after brunch & we've found a great spot for him in the guest room (I don't think I want him in my bedroom in case I wake up in the middle of the night to a scary tiger).  Here's the story on the tiger head:  Apparently, the tiger head came from an old tiger rug and Grandpa Howard had it at Princeton.  Dad also took it to Princeton when he was in college.  Uncle Jon brought it to UPenn & now it's at our house.  I suppose I'll take it with me to college someday - sorry Mommy looks like we've got a strong lean towards Princeton (I know you were hoping I'd be a tree hugger and go out to Stanford - don't worry there's still time to decide although I'm not sure people in the Bay Area would appreciate my stuffed tiger head).
 Last week, Mom and I had a rough adjustment phase.  She officially started training to teach her Scholastic workshops and we're discovering that it's really tough to balance working from home & taking care of me.  Basically, Mom's answering emails, working through her certification, etc... while I'm napping or once I've gone to bed.  We took a break from work mid-week and went to the beach with Grandma.  We went to Deal Casino and had a blast.  I love their zero entry baby pool and playground!! Such a fun day playing in the sun!

On Saturday night, I had a new babysitter hang out with me while Mommy and Daddy went out with Uncle Jon and Ann Marie.  They went to the Philadelphia Zoo for a beer festival.  Mom took some really awesome pictures of the animals they saw - I'm so jealous Mom and Dad got to see the animals at night.  

I woke up feeling terrible on Sunday morning.  It was a really rough day for all of us!  Mom looked in my mouth & discovered I was teething again - 5 or 6 teeth are about to cut through.  This round was so tough that my nose was stuffy & I had a borderline fever - on top of the yeast diaper rash I got from the extreme heat this week.  We went to the doctor on Monday morning & Dr. Warren said I didn't have a fever anymore and that I wasn't feeling well because of my teeth.  She gave us a prescription for my yeast diaper rash - thankfully it's nearly gone & Mom swears that I will never get another one.  Mommy & I snuggled all day - it was an exhausting day for us both (and pretty painful for me).  Late afternoon we went to the J Crew bridal store to pick out Mom's bridesmaid dress for Uncle Mario & Aunt Ari's wedding.  Afterwards Mom & I went on a dinner date at Iron Hill Brewery.  Mom treated me to crab and artichoke soup, sweet potato fries and some tasty rosemary foccacia.  I was a really good boy and the woman at the table next to us gave me one of her birthday balloons.  I played with my balloon all the way home & until Mom said it was time for bed.

 Dad worked really late (he got home around 9:30PM) - he was at a Wharton seminar & got home after I was already in bed.  Mommy and I went to the Rock N Roar concert today.  We had a blast dancing and singing along with the band.

This afternoon, Mommy and I did our 10 month photoshoot.  Mom said it's really hard to capture me with my 10 month tie, so we shot photos in many settings today.  Here are some of my favorites: 

Can you believe that I'm already 10 months old.  I have 4 teeth with 5 or 6 getting ready to cut through tonight, I'm crawling all over the place, walking along every ledge & practicing how to walk with my walker.  Soon I will be a year old...stay tuned for more summer fun.